This is Jack, Terrier Cross Breed, we adopted him from the Rescue centre, 3 and a half years old!

This is Jack, Terrier Cross Breed, we adopted him from the Rescue centre, 3 and a half years old!
A flower “bed” is a bed! I dug up mom’s plants and used them as a bed. ~Maile Maile is a Border…
My collie Shadow right after getting a haircut
Moonshoes Lucy is a black Labrador Retriever/full time superhero. She lives in Maryland and assists her handler with PTSD and chronic illnesses.
Australian cattle dogs Audie, 8 weeks, and Murphy, 2 years.
My Little, Wrigley, turns one in May. He’s the light of my life. (It’s also 100 degrees in AZ today and we’re enjoying the sun!!)
This is my gorgeous elderly husky mix, Skye! She’s very goofy, especially with her cross eyed smile.
Roxy, 1 year old golden retriever, loves the paddleboard
This is my little rascal Ripley❤️She enjoys long walks on the beach, playing at the park for no less than 2hrs at a time and destroying gardens!
Here are my 2 bbs Knives and Rudy. They are best friends.
Rin Tin Tin’s hiking adventure
Nala, our shiba mix 🙂
This is Chief. He’s the biggest baby you’d ever meet. He’ll be three in September.
This is my Cairn Terrier, Toby. So sweet, bit so loud!
Charlie, 10 yr old Cavalier King Charles. Gone but never forgotten
Techno-savvy dog It only took her 5 seconds while I turned my back to destroy the bluetooth….it wouldn’t be the first time.
Jake, German Shepherd, 5 years old
How much wood? Hi I’m Minnie—and I hate being left home—so today I decided to eat the bathroom door. “I’m Part Woodchuck!”
Sir Percival the corgi-Russel mix sporting his Halloween hat
Meet Bear
baby boy
Marla the Yorkiepoo via YouTube
Archer, the 4-year-old pitbull/lab mix
Lucky is a lady of luxury!
Scout. 2 ½ year old Jack Russell Terrier!
Logan Kobi Laila Adyline Stella Dominic Zoe Remus Timber Mika handsomedogs: These are the finalists for handsomedogs’ four year anniversary giveaway! Voting will take place now until the 6th. The prize is a BarkBox! Remember, if you win you must be willing…
Jake keeping his ball close while he takes a short time-out.
This is our sweet boy, George! He’s an 8-year-old pitbull-lab mix who loves staring at you while you eat and playing dress up.
This is Xander, an anagram of Andrex as he is a golden lab and looked like the Andrex puppy when he was young !
My puppy Winston- a dorkie (dachshund/yorkie). Left, 2 ½ months. Right, 7 months. 🙂
Playroom Purgatory Meet Bauer (pronounced bow were). He is something else. He also has an epic guilty face. As bad as he can be… we love him!
My crazy little Brittany Spaniel
Don’t go on vacation! “I didn’t want mom to go to Sydney, so I ate her map for dinner! Ps. Not Sorry. Love, Tucker
The little black fellow is Stanley, my 6 year old chihuahua/min-pin mix. The brown and white guy is Asher, my 9 month old beagle/brittany spaniel mix. Asher is on his way to be my trained service dog.
Kobi the Alaskan Klee Kai, back from his evening walk!
Frankie loves poo! I follow my new kitten around and tidy up after him by eating his poo. I am a bad dog!
This is Leeloo, my 6 year old golden retriever. She was adopted from a Golden Retriever Rescue when she was a puppy. She’s super chill & sweet. She’s my furry best friend!
Post-Op Pest Simply because Marley couldn’t lick her foot with the e-collar on didn’t stop her from trying and the edge of the e-collar kept scraping the irritation and making it worse.
“Deutsche Dogge” Canon EOS 5D Mark II + 135mm f/2L USMAuthors: Katrin Lebedinskaya & Elizabeth Lebedinskaya ( More photos Copyright © . All rights reserved.My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
“Rhodesian Ridgeback” Canon EOS 5D Mark II + 135mm f/2L USMAuthors: Katrin Lebedinskaya & Elizabeth Lebedinskaya ( More photos: Copyright © . All rights reserved.My images may not be reproduced in any form without my written permission.
My handsome doberman, Fletcher. It’s been 10 years since he passed away. He was such a clever and loving dog 🙂
This is Tunechi . He was found roaming the cold streets of NYC. Don’t know where he came from but he’s home now!
My American bull/Pittie mix.
This is Reya. We rescued her about two years ago. She’s a giant lap dog.
Meet Lucki. 10 years old and the love of my life. Guessing a mix of Golden Retriever and Red Husky and who knows what else. Although many would disagree, I know he is the best dog in the world;-)
My beautiful baby, Macy❤️ She’s a French Bulldog who never stops playing!
this is baby Gus Gus. he turns 2 this year!
i went to the river for the first time and got a little bit dirty 🙂 (about 15 weeks old)
Lizard Lips They kept talking about how great Lizard Lips lip balm was. I had to try it for myself.
Zoey, 3 year older border collie – poodle cross. Loves hiking, beaches and being outside in general. Agility dog in training.
I just wanted to be loved My dog Bentley was so excited to see me this morning that he jumped in my lap and nudged my hand with his nose, while I was about to take a sip of my morning…
Braxdin, 8 year old boxer. Still acts like a pup and is very silly!
Floyd, my English Staffordshire Bull Terrier! Big softy!
Don’t leave Kona alone My dog, Kona, a 5 year Jack Russell – Chihuahua mix, has separation anxiety, and I left him alone for 5 minutes…
This is our Wirehair Fox Terrier, Ted! We think he’s about 3-4.
Logan Kobi Laila Adyline Stella Dominic Zoe Remus Timber Mika These are the finalists for handsomedogs’ four year anniversary giveaway! Voting will take place now until the 6th. The prize is a BarkBox! Remember, if you win you must be willing to…
Feathery Fiend My German Shepherd snuck away from my mom and tore up her favorite feather pillow
Mr. Darcy is super chill.
everybodyloveswillie: Happy May Day Dear Readers!
bearthebandit: Smile for the camera!
Henrrrrrrrrry 🙂
Lookin’ good, Casey! B) meet-the-pack
He’s just a city boy! Living in a Muggle world. He took the Hogwart’s train going anywhere!
my designated driver
Andi just wants everyone to be happy! He hope that you all had a wonderful day
little kerms has misplaced his body
Housekeeping! I went away for a weekend and returned to my dog dressed like a French maid. He was not amused. Sorry, Ernie!
Sozin the Akita enjoying a spring day in a new floral frock 🙂
baby koda @kodaarnold
The real reason dinosaurs went extinct! Minion has this thing about de-gutting every toy! He must think there all squirrels.
This is a Copper, a beagle mix. Today is his first birthday(!!) I adopted him in February and already can’t imagine life without him. Despite that impossibly sad looking beagle face, he’s very happy in his new home.
Front: Moki ( 2 years) Back: Griffin ( 3 years)
Buster vs. Cup Buster is gifted at opening baseball equipment bags….an expensive gift when he eats gloves, Evo shields, and other gear.
This is Lance! He lives in the shelter I volunteer for and is on his way to being adopted
Mad AND blind “I managed to reach moms nightstand and took her $300 pair of favourite glasses and destroyed them within minutes, now she is mad AND blind” – Otto Von Bismarck
Because she’s perfect and this kind of perfection needs to be seen by the world. Loca Bear the 1 year old Bassador. Submitted by bl6ckc6t
This is Ozzie and he has a great smile.
She’s a doof, but man you gotta love her.
Ernest Hemingway – six years old
my babygirl Koda. Shes four months old and would love to chew on your fingers.
Eat rocks They say she’ll never have any tartar …
my friend’s shiba!
“Dogs do speak, but only to those who know how to listen.” ― Orhan Pamuk, My Name is Red
Ooops Left my one year old dog Chloe home alone with her older brother Xavier. She felt that we were never coming back and ate the door while brother stood and watched.
Too Cheesy? “I stole my mom’s grilled cheese sandwich right out of her hand because I’m fast and I wanted it!
My ten month old German shepherd named Karma was a little sleepy the other day after a long day of playing in the field
Mitzy sporting her Packers jersey. Love this sweet girl. 8 y/o Pomeranian/Corgi mix.
This is what I’m supposed to do, right? Bring you a paper and stuff?
This is Cinni Winnie, and she’ll be 2 this year! I am unsure of her breed, but I think she’s at least part golden retriever. When she wags her tail, it actually spins in a circle.
Uzi is a handsome dog
This is Stella. We adopted her from a local shelter at a young age. She brings a lot of joy into our lives.
Lincoln Bartholomew.
My handsome man Jasper!
Baldur is a fourteen month old GSD, puppy mill rescue, and my best friend
happy pup, Arie!
The NightGuards “After an emergency trip to the vets, I thanked mom by eating her night guard.” – Oliver. “I helped” – Isabelle.
Jackie the Jack Russell. Appropriately named and very sleepy.