This is Bailey. She’s our gentle giant.

This is Bailey. She’s our gentle giant.
This sweet cuddle bug’s name is Snow, she is a Pitbull/Bulldog mix that is currently up for adoption in the DC/Metro Area. She came from a high-kill shelter, but was rescued by an organization called The Boxer Transfer, and is currently…
No more Game of Thrones! I ran really fast through the house…got stuck in the curtains and pulled them out of the wall sending the curtain rod flying through Mom & Dad’s flatscreen TV. I couldn’t care less.
“I just stole the pizza box from the counter and ate 3 pieces. No regrets!” Don’t let his cuteness…
This is E-k9 or Echo for short. She is a blind dachshund I recently adopted out to a young lady in need of a therapy dog to help with her anxiety. Echo is a special girl i rescued her from…
Basenjeez Louise! This is what happens when mom has to go away on a business trip.
My blue heeler baby and his husky big brother! They’re obviously the best of friends.
The cat has a bone to pick with you… Poppy loves cat food…but cat food doesn’t love her.
Happy Mogli!
my beautiful (and sociopathic) mya! 2 year old border collie / shepherd mix.
My currently nameless long haired chihuahua pup! She’s very hyper, and loves giving face kisses.
Sagan at 9 weeks old.
Smiley Charlie
Zina Owens, a window clerk at the U.S. Post Office at 3800 Colley Avenue, everybodyloveswillie: This is a story from my own hometown. It’s so sweet, we just had to share it with you. Pictures are from the Virginian Pilot…
My handsome chance -rosa
This is my sister’s dog, Jola. SHe is a purebred American Browndog. 😉
My handsome boy Rebel
the pictures are a little blurry because she never sits still, but this is my puppy Elle! (she’s half poodle and half maltese)
He was growling at a ballon in my room
My 11 week old Bi-color GSD named Flynn 🙂
Here’s another one of her doing what she does best: chewin’.
My very photogenic English cockerspaniel, Holly – 14 weekend old
dogsignalfire: soft fluffy white dog luxury bed mhmm. Rara (female MAS) and Lancer (male Australian Shepherd) my intelligent beauties… just starting my dog/animal photography tumblr AH YISS.
huskyhuddle: Sun shower
This is Chunk, a 2 year old pit bull. He loves sunbathing, napping and cuddling up next to mommy before bedtime. The day I meet him I had no idea how much brighter my future would be. When is previous…
Groenendael Guard
Here’s something new! Instead of a photography contest, we’re going to have our first ever art contest! Rules Obviously no stealing; While it easy to take credit for someone else’s artwork, I assure you its much easier for me to…
Max (left) and Bernie (right) when they were just pups :’)
Politically Incorrect “I chewed on former President Bill Clinton’s Face.” – Dr. Meredith Greyhound Dr. Meredith is very enamored with the former President. She just wanted to give him a little love nibble. On his face.
dead-things-and-living-things: Anyone in the dallas, tx area, I really need to find a home for this pup. Someone gave him to me that didn’t want him, they were going to put him in a shelter otherwise, but I don’t have…
She’s a speed-reader Dr. Lexi “Leave It!” Greyhound takes her reading very seriously. Among her favorite books is, appropriately, “Adopting the Racing Greyhound.” She loves this book so much she just had to eat it.
This is Shakespeare, a 6-year old Rottweiler. His eyes reflect the beauty and honesty of his soul.
Zazu, the Jack Russell Terrier.
Stella, cockerspanial lab mix! 3 years old. 🙂
An American Boy and His Daddy
My little girl anabel the boykin spaniel. She is the sweetest, softest, most cuddly pup in the world and I wouldn’t want it any other way. As
Lucy the 12 year old Yorkshire terrier. She’s still my baby girl even though she is mostly blind and turning 13 this year.
Koda graduated from puppy school!
This is Marley my 5 month old Bernese pup! He loves cuddles in bed and eat ruffles!
We’re Even Now I didn’t like the dress mommy put me in, so I rolled in cow poop and ruined…
My darling little boy Kuechly the very first day I had him. He’s 85 pounds now!
Tinder’s new security feature I make sure Mommy will never get a date again….
Zorro’s trademark “smile”, before he lost his teeth. (@osterreik)
It’s Curtains for you! My name is Daisy. I’ve sat in this crate next to these curtains for three years. Today I had enough.
Jack the pomeranian! I adopted him from and rescue in northern Indiana in 2012 and he’s been my best friend ever since.
Ch. Ruby Rose, 6 year old American Pit Bull Terrier
Waffles Wasn’t So White I pooped in the yard and then rolled around in it!
My 2 year old lab, shepard, rottie mix named Murphy. He’s a total cuddle bug 🙂
My dachshund sweetheart, Quincy, who celebrated his 13th birthday earlier this month! He’s getting older, but he’s still as adorable and lovely as can be. He loves baby carrots, cheek kisses, and running around outside. (He knows his angles.)
I’m pretty sure I specifically said cheap, off brand, dollar store flea treatments. Like, 100% sure that’s what it says in my post. But thank you for voicing your opinion in the rudest way possible with no regard to what…
Lovely Lottie. Lottie is a 2 & ½ year old golden Lab. We re-homed her nearly a year ago & she is transformed from the frightened, thin, little girl she was then. She’s a happy, loving dog now. A great…
She plays it loosey goosey When I get scared I run & pop at the same time. Ana
Retaliation between siblings Our French bulldog is a wonderful big brother to our son, and acts like a typical “velcro puppy,” so for example he likes to sit at the foot of the changing table whenever we change the baby’s…
He’s a rotten Melon Our baby green cheek conure, Melon, loves my daughter and gets super excited when he gets to come out of his cage to play. “I get so excited when my sister takes me out of my…
This is Jake my ten year old puppy. He’s a beagle blue healer mix
Gatsby is an Old English Sheepdog, or bobtail, from Kentucky! He is sweet, snuggly, AND stubborn.
My beautiful dobie girl hanging out on the deck while we grill lunch. I love this pup more than life! @tangled
Yes! Flea collars only protect where they’re sitting – the neck! Plus, they’re covered in pesticides and will rub off on whatever your pet rubs it on. When it comes to putting chemicals on your pet’s body, you do not…
cotton with his favorite toy
Tina, 8 years old, Chihuahua Fox terrier mix you can follow her on Instagram at: tinatheterrible 🙂
She still looking for a foster/home and time is running out. Please help/share if you can. She’s so smart and sweet.
this is my 3 year old handsome dog henry! all he wants in life is to be a real man dog.
This is Bo. He is a black Lab-mix, and he has been with my family for 6 years. He’ll be 7 on July 3rd. We love him so much…even though he steals shoes and garbage.
houndgrey: Something most people never get to see:a four-day-old greyhound puppy. Photo courtesy of Steve Pryor at Planet Greyhound.
I object to your Ikea furniture Left Penny out for a few hours while I went to class…she’s lucky I’m in college so that thing wasn’t expensive…
Batdog redecorates I have an “Angry Pooper” on my hands. I’m fostering this adorable, sweet, pitbull who revenge poops when he doesn’t get his way.
lunaofthenorthwind: They’re both beautiful princesses.
Gracie, Standard Poodle, 9 years young.
DogShaming does Timehop One year ago Finn destroyed his first bed. Today, he showed us again how much he loves to shred his dog bed 🙂
This is Ben, my 2 year old border collie
Why are the cute ones always so disgusting?
I Havaneed…a need for poop I like to eat goose poop off the sidewalk and then I wonder why I get a belly ache.
King Cake Crapfest Yes, I ate the last of the Haydel’s king cake. Which was a present for my boy’s birthday and which my people had been rationing to make last. And which Junebug told me was tasty, so really…
My 11 month old yellow lab Petey. He’s diabetic and blind but still loves just as hard as the next dog. Bottom left picture taken at his most sick, bottom right taken a few days ago. He gained a healthy…
Sometimes we put great treasures in museums. Other times we take them for walks. 😉 Hello, this is Max, an 11 months old Chow Chow/German Shepherd mix. 🙂 “I gave you shelter, you gave me joy. I gave you food,…
This is Merry; he is a two year old lab/pit bull mix and he is vey snuggly.
My wolf pack.:)
Prince charming <3 (aka Boris)
FitBetcha can’t eat just one! “Mom noticed my mouth was blinking” Xo Jax # fitbitsaretasty #howmanystepsdidigetin
Panty Raiders of the Lost Hamper
This is Lugnut, a handsome 2 year old Pitbull
This is my handsome 2-year old Rottweiler/Lab mix. Love you Sam ❤️
My happy boys Chance(left) and Nekko(right) Both rescued from the same shelter. Chance is a lab pit mix and Nekko is a Husky collie mix.
This is Susie! She’s a rescued pit who has dwarfism. She is always bringing comfort and happiness to any person or dog she meets.
She is called Fancsi, a German wire haired pointer! She is a really unique dog. However, she is living at a temporary home now, she belongs to a shelter in Hungary and is waiting for someone to fall in love…
6 month old ninjin; ran into him 3 times while i stayed in paris and he’s just the kindest little fella
This is my 5 year old English Setter Maya. She loves long walks on beaches as well as hunting birds.
People are constantly joking that I’m acting like my dog is my life, wait ACTING like it? I’m her life and since day one she is mine.
This is Apollo, my handsome 2 year old American Akita
Soko. My year and half old Akita.
thelazypetowner: Maggie’s my fetching pup.
Tangi, the 7 years old golden retriever. He lives in Göd, close to Budapest, Hungary. He just had a haircut, and he is – of course – very proud of himself.
Trisha around Christmas!
The Bad Kleenex
Finnigan McDonald
German shepherd x golden retriever. Mylo.
Let’s squash this
This is Weylin! My 9 week old Belgian Malinois. He is the most amazing thing to happen to me. He brightens up my day with his silly antics and his many puppy kisses. You can follow him on Instagram and…
I know this isn’t the best pic, but please share ♥ I’m a hobby photographer and was waiting to take before and after pictures of her when I was going to clean her up, but I never got to 🙁…