Nap time dehydrated beef tendon for mealtime Monday.

Nap time dehydrated beef tendon for mealtime Monday.
DOG IN URGENT NEED OF HOME MOVING TOMORROW My dog is very friendly He is not neutered He is afraid of water and loud sounds (thunder and fireworks) He is very strong (when he sees a squirrel or a rabbit…
Meal-Times Monday, having her dinner but being just a bit distracted. Super Nova Border Collie Six Months Old (26 Weeks)
cataouatche: hoxton doing his new trick for handsomedogs Mealtime Monday c:
achoirofcritters: For handsomedogs challenge: MEAL-TIME MONDAY, took Evie outside and gave her not quite a meal, but one of her favoruite snacks; some peanut butter! Think she was a-okay with this plan. Look at that tongue!
wisconsinratpack: Meal-time Monday with Sadie for handsomedogs
hadissima: Toby concentrates hard on his treat so he won’t let it fall!
bandit-the-tervuren: Up close of the Bandit nosie for the second day of handsomedogs photo challenge! “Meal-Time Monday!”
maxandmaeby: Sitting sweetly and waiting for Mealtime Monday. handsomedogs
Meal-Time Monday >> Jack + one of his favorite snacks (well, actually he considers all the edible things – and some inedible – as his favorite snacks).
Bday Treats for Griffin!
sablecoat: Not very handsome when he eats, but for handsomedogs Mealtime Monday regardless!
Meal-time Monday. Here’s Bocephus enjoying some peanut butter, one of his favorite snacks.
While it’s not really a ‘meal’, Bohemian, my 9 week old Longhaired Dachshund sure is enjoying his chew!
It’s my party and you’ll cry if I want to 2-year-old Kal figured out how to break out of his kennel. 5-year-old Clark Kent did not and was sad after spending hours watching his brother play from inside his…
A chihuahua-sized pancake breaky for my beebs Sindie and Tila
Less than 24 hours to submit your picture to the calendar contest! Details here.
buckythefrenchy: Breakfast time #Bucky #buckminsterfuller #frenchbulldog #frenchie #breakfast #frenchiesofvine
wisconsinratpack: Mealtime Monday for handsomedogs
workingdogblr: Day Two of handsomedogs‘ photo challenge! “Meal-Time Monday!”
this is my dog Phoebe munching on a popsicle! we think she’s a pointer mix but she’s only about 35 lbs fully grown.
alipynckel: BRAND NEW at Animal Hearted! “Crazy Dog Lady” Oh okay, this shirt is me. Who else admits it? lol Animal Hearted donates 25% of proceeds to no kill animal shelters! Helping those in need with every purchase! Save 10%…
Drogo the 2 year old Bullmastiff/Rottweiler, hanging in the sun and looking proud of a hole that he shouldn’t have been digging.
Xena, our Kelpie, Red Nose X. She is our German Shepherds little buddy and a constant source of joy for our family.
Teddy, the handsome Shiba Inu, basking in the early morning sun.
Sunray Sunday had a huge turn out! There were so many amazing pictures. Today is Meal-Time Monday. Submit a picture of your pooch eating some of his favorite food! Or, post on your own blog and tag #handsomedogs in hopes…
steffinephrine: Sunday morning sunrays and sibling kisses from Billy and Jane (Beagle/dachshund and cattle dog)
Tobi in her favorite spot. #sunraysunday
Here’s another shot of Penny, the 3 year old shepherd mix, for Sunray Sunday!
Sophie the bit-of-everything looking pensive on Sunray Sunday. For more of my photography (dogs and otherwise), check out
tailchasers: 9/2/2012 – 10 months Some older pics for handsomedogs Sunray Sunday, since the beach was all cloudy today! He’s still growing into himself here.
Sändi snacking on a stick in the sunshine
My beautiful girl who left me 10 months ago. I miss her every day. Perfect photo for Sunray Sunday.
Lola the hound mutt for Sunray Sunday!
Canon having a great day in the sun 🙂
my baby floating on her little boat for #sunraysunday !
Got a photo of Jenny for Sun ray Sunday!
Sunray Sunday Rottweiler puppy
Sunray Sunday! Exploring with my Best Buddy June Bug 🙂
jenni10001: Sunray Sunday Sass loves the sun.
Throwback to 5 month-old Apollo for Sunray Sunday!
workingdogblr: For handsomedogs challenge. Sunray Sunday with Daenerys.
Sunray Sunday, as always with her beloved ball. Super Nova Border Collie Six Months Old.
bandit-the-tervuren: For handsomedogs challenge. Sunray Sunday with Coco! :3
sallythemutt: we’re super sleepy this sunday morning
huskyhuddle: Sun Drunk Shepherds and Sibes Master Post for handsomedogs Sunray Sunday!!
guidedogintraining: Stella and Echo for handsomedogs Sunray Sunday
6woofs: Sunray Sunday (for handsomedogs Days of the Week Photography Fun!)
Sophie the sun poodle.
achoirofcritters: Evie soaking up the sun in the backyard shortly after I’d brought her home. Posting for handsomedogs sunray sunday! There is no sun today here in KY – just a ton of storms, so an older shot will have…
An old photo of Panpan the JRT for Sunray Sunday
Daisy the cockapoo loves soakin’ up some rays
This is my beautiful year old lab, Rook.
Didn’t think I’d manage to get a shot for Sunray Sunday but here’s Jake!
Here’s Moonshoes Lucy’s “Sunray Sunday” picture from Artscape yesterday! She was relaxing while Reverend Peyton played in the background.
tempurafriedhappiness: Some old shots for handsomedogs‘ Sunray Sunday theme!
thestupidsmartdogs: Charlie for handsomedogs Sunray Sunday- this is like one of my favourite photos of my boy.
lapistachio: handsomedogs is having a “Sunray Sunday” so this is my best pup Copper! He’s a beagle mix. My little sis actually snapped this picture. I just love it so much!
When not lounging in the sun, Uschi is generally found at the end of a harness handle guiding me around. She also stands on her head.
Sunray Sunday with Puppy!
Sunray Sunday – Watson is not a morning person, er… dog.
Hunter, Catahoula Mix, soaking up sun fountain side.
Fred, the handsome terrier mix who can be found over at
It’s sunray sunday! Submit pictures of your pup soaking up those rays! 🙂 You can also post them on your own blog, and tag #handsomedogs in hopes for it to get reblogged!
My Saint Bernard, Chunk, and his Bernese friend Bean.
my girl effie! she’s a handsome woman
They have achieved balance. 🙂
Abra in the rare English sun
Happy Dog | robinahne
Days of the Week Photography Fun! Since its summer and we’re bored, here is something fun to do with your camera and your dog! Starting tomorrow we will begin with Sunray Sunday – where you can try your very best to…
His name is tank!!
This is Ol’ Dirty Bastard, or Odie for short. He’s the sleepiest Lab Australian Shepard mix on the planet.
J Bob Harris
pepper, my one year old pointer mix
Pookie the yorkie
my handsome lil’ puppy!!!!!
This is Ozzy, my unknown-breed 3 year old puppy, who was found in a dumpster as a newborn. He’s so full of life and loves nothing better than to play ball for hours and hours at a time. He loves…
kobi is training to be better with other pups, he is not a service dog!
Play Ball, Mom?
Gizmo, my 5 year old Lagotto Romagnolo, looking suspicious on a walk in the woods.
This is Costner, our 7 month old Great Dane, Mastiff, Boxer, Lab mix. He is a sweet, handsome boy. ❤️
Tess, border terrier, 13 weeks old 🙂
Astrid the Weimador
This is Mochi, my corgi pup and my best friend. She’s one and a half years young and is the most lively girl I’ve ever met.
Khal, our two-year-old rescue pit. Look at those ears!
Boris the St Bernard x Bernese Mountain Dog back at 8 weeks old!
my handsome boy got a bath this weekend 🙂
Sometimes the dog actually does eat the homework Tank’s 7 year old little sister cried for about a good hour over this sudden burst of jealousy and anger. Tank feels pretty bad, now.
Wilson is a 1 year old border collie
Go follow sir punk to witness his weird shenanigans at
Soon to be mine, Gatsby the samoyed pup! So excited to bring him home! cutetailwags
Lucy, 8 week-old Rottweiler Mix
Everybody’s Buddy’s buddy!
This is Rusty, the youngest-looking and reddest 9-year-old golden in Texas!
I’m the Next Kady Perry 9 year old SPCA Special Kady went to the vet for a small sedation to…
this is lilah, my beautiful daughter
My sister’s dog Alice is a literal angel
Mr.Wiggles, found him on our front porch three years ago and now we couldn’t imagine life without him
This is Boris, a big goofy lad, who doesn’t care for the glory of winning, he shredded the 2nd place…