My pup Millie for sleepy Saturday! She always has to find the most obscure places to sleep, but she’s cute so we let her.

My pup Millie for sleepy Saturday! She always has to find the most obscure places to sleep, but she’s cute so we let her.
fEONA&FRIENDS is dedicated to rescued animals and their very special owners.
Ripley the Newfoundland always has a sleepy Saturday.
Quinn enjoying the summer
bandit-the-tervuren: Bandit (and his buddy, Oreo, haha) for handsomedogs “Sleepy Saturday” It took some luck getting these pictures, he’s hard to sneak up on, even when he’s sleeping! and if he hears you he will open his eyes or raise his…
Lola can be found in this position more often than not. P.S. The text reads: “I am an extrovert (or…
this is Bailey. she’s half blue pit, half blue heeler. ❤️
Snoozing in the winter sun. #sleepy Saturday #samoyed
German Shepherd Love | Allport Photography
Mila, 2 year old Frenchy taking a nap like a human.
Cody, Podenco Andaluz and old sleepy head.
My beautiful, silly girl.
Tax Collector “I tried to eat my dad’s W-2. No big deal, right?” -Cosmo (Mom’s just glad we submitted everything yesterday…)
workingdogblr: It’s Sleepy Saturday! Here’s a sleepy Daenerys collage for day 7 of handsomedogs‘ photo challenge.
6woofs: Sleepy Saturday Shhh.. don’t wake up the husky powdered donut :] (for handsomedogs Days of the Week Photography Fun!)
Sunrise Hiking is best with pups(x)
My handsome Piper She was about two in this picture but she’s about four now Basenji/German Shepherd mix with some Greyhound in there too~
After a long day of searching for her ball, Starbuck, the American White Shepherd, is all worn out and ready for a naps
7 months – Thor – Fila brasileiro ❤️
wisconsinratpack: Little bitty baby Luna for Sleepy Saturday and handsomedogs
Shocking! I got caught licking an electrical outlet!
Today is Sleepy Saturday! Submit a picture of your dog catching some z’s! Or, post on your own blog and tag #handsomedogs in hopes that your photo will be reblogged 🙂
Joey the 5yr old yellow lab at Montrose Dog Beach in Chicago
This is my silly puppy, Isis, when she was about 5 months old. She’s a Seppala Siberian Sleddog.
My handsome babies Griffin (rip) and Whisper
Russell aka “Roo” – venturing around Baltimore City for the first time
This is Fiji, our pit mix puppy, worn out after a long walk and a day at the dog beach!
my beautiful Pitt/Lab mix Lola
This is my two year old American Dingo named Rogue with my brother, a 2nd Lieutenant in the Marine Corps
Frodo, my 10 year old Jack Russell rescue, enjoys running around outside more than anything, and when there’s snow he rolls around and chases it!
marveliss: Theo loves to play with sticks or in this case small trees.
My Brittany, Paris (male) having fun at the dog park. Today he turns 9 years old!
Rhona and her cousin (my brother’s dog, not her actual cousin) playing in the grass for Fun Friday!
For Fun Fun Friday, Shiloh enjoys swinging ; u ;
slobbermonsters: Maya’s fun friday for handsomedogs is snow themed, because Tennessee is unbearably hot lately and both Maya and I spend a lot of time lying on the floor in front of the air conditioner. Nothing gets Maya as excited…
4 month old golden retriever puppy Daisy with her bone for Fun Fun Friday! handsomedogs
Darcy Doo for Fun Fun Friday! More of her and other pups at rawjonsi
maxandmaeby: Our hearts belong to the mountains… for handsomedogs Fun Fun Friday.
Caper is teaching his younger brother Agility! (I’m just there for emotional support)
achoirofcritters: For handsomedogs‘ Fun Fun Friday! Evie has the most fun at the dog park, and I have a lot of fun capturing all of the crazy expressions while photographing her there! Her only dog companion at home is an…
twobarklessdogs: Hiking in the woods – their favorite activity for handsomedogs Fun Fun Friday! Photos courtesy of designstolove
6woofs: Fun Fun Friday! Playing – it’s only our FAVOURITE THING! (for handsomedogs Days of the Week Photography Fun!)
Fun fun Friday. Milo loves playing fetch so much!
Here is Jasper for Fun Fun Friday practicing for his dream job: agility master!
Socker is an Aussie Shepherd/Black Lab mix and loves to play with his favorite toys (R2DogToy and half-a-basketball) inside and out on Fun, Fun, Fun Friday!
dingoluna: Luna enjoying two of her favorite things for handsomedogs Fun Fun Friday! Chewing a big stick and running at the SAME TIME, she is truly living the dream.
Bruce the rescue Maltese mix loves jumping!!!
submission for Fun Fun Friday! Toph’s favorite thing in the world is to chase a ball (8yo amstaff mutt) –
Friday funsies all the time, from Puppyhood to Big Puppyhood.
Fun Friday- Ollie doing his favourite things, smiling, playing in the water and waiting for his ball
Rada and her favorite activity – running through deep snow. For Fun Fun Friday
bandit-the-tervuren: Here’s Bandit and his two favorite toys, his frisbee and tennis ball, for handsomedogs “Fun Fun Friday”
Symbiotic relationship Dobby gets sick occasionally (sensitive stomach) and as soon as Duncan hears him retching, he is there in a flash too clean up the mess.
jenni10001: Fun with tennis balls on Fun Fun Friday for handsomedogs !!
My dogs like playing and making a mess so here’s them doing both at the same time
trying to chose which toy to play with on Fun Friday with Finn the Blue Heeler!
Fun Fun Friday. This is Sammy during his adolescence. When people ask me what kind of dog he is, I just say, “The good kind.” For Sammy, fun usually involves a stick.
Sampler Platter After her Daddy smoked three beautiful salmons for a party, Nellie decided to try not just one, but a bite of each while they were cooling.
workingdogblr: It’s Fun Fun Friday for handsomedogs‘ photo challenge! Daenerys and Choice are running amok in the fields.
tailchasers: Playing on the beach for handsomedogs Fun Fun Friday!
This is my handsome girl Bowzer. She’s a Pitbull Terrier.
9 ways we prove blondes do have more fun1. Even when they’re grumpy, they still look…
Today is Fun Fun Friday! Submit a picture of your dog doing his/her favorite activity! Whether its playing with other dogs, agility, dock jumping, lure coursing, weight pulling, or simply just catching a frisbee! Or, post on your own blog and…
My Toy Australian Shepherd, Hugh
#dozethedoberman and #patsythepug
This is Murray, my little rescue Jack. he’s a total sweetheart and loves everyone he meets.
My three coconut retrievers playing at the beach for #ThirstyThursday!
Ginger and Chester the Beardies goofing around at the lake
Hank, my Aussie mix for Thirsty Thursday! hankandbailey-baileyandhank
Here’s Finn my Blue Heeler for Thirsty Thursday!
Half pitbull/ half beagle. Water dog through and through! At bear creek dog park in Co Springs, Colorado.
Sterling, my 6mo sheltie playing with Kitt, my boyfriend’s 1yo border collie/mcnab.
borisandtasha: Our giant Malamute buddy, Max, for handsomedogs Thirsty Thursday photo challenge.
6woofs: The Boys for Thirsty Thursday! (for handsomedogs Days of the Week Photography Fun!)
huskyhuddle: handsomedogs Thirsty Thursday! Hubble attacking the water from the people fountain at the dog park :3
sablecoat: Quick edits from a cool dip in our lake: thirsty thursday for handsomedogs ♥ I just love the way a clear blue sky mixes with the brown sea bed, turns the water almost purple on occasion.
Our Oakley puppy really taking thirsty Thursday to the next level!
tempurafriedhappiness: Lyra would be particularly pleased with handsomedogs‘ Thirsty Thursday theme. Water is her favorite place to be!
casualtyfriday: In honor of handsomedogs Thirsty Thursday
Jenny waiting for me to throw her ball, #thirstythursday
leuska: THIRSTY THURSDAY! 🙂 My vizsla (shorthaired hungarian horntail pointer) pup Digby enjoying the watter.:)
jackadoodlesparrow: Jackadoodle Sparrow decided to look mighty handsome and rugged during a swim in the scenic Falls of Neuse Lake–just in time for handsomedogs‘ Thirsty Thursday!
Thirsty Thursday: loving a good drink of water after a good game of fetch!
maxandmaeby: Water break for handsomedogs Thirsty Thursday.
bandit-the-tervuren: Here’s several pics of an adorable soaking-wet Bandit, at the dog beach for handsomedogs “Thirsty Thursday”
workingdogblr: For handsomedogs‘ photo challenge. Day Five: Thirsty Thursday.
Mia loves chasing the Polaris around. She just learned how to swim on her own!
Bo cooling off after some frisbee catching
impish-iggies: Dante and Piper trying to decide if they should take the plunge and go after the duck, for handsomedogs‘ Thirsty Thursday challenge.
My bellyache is punishment enough! I left Persephone alone for a whole hour. Her sign says “I ate an almost full bag of liver-flavored treats. I regret everything.” Poor girl had a bellyache the rest of the night.
dingoluna: For handsomedogs Thirsty Thursday! At first Luna was a little freaked out about the water moving by itself, but after she worked up the nerve to venture out she decided it wasn’t so bad after all.
Brave Buck Bravely protects the yard from garbage collectors and the UPS guy. Terrified of the dishwasher.
Thirsty Thursday with Daisy wading in the creek!
For his 10th birthday, Ripley the Newfoundland had a pool party.
Jon’s always thrilled for a car ride.
I rolled in poop and jumped on Mom’s bed! I rolled in poop and jumped on Mom’s bed!
Today is Thirsty Thursday. Submit a picture of your dog drinking/swimming/playing with water! Or, post on your own blog and tag #handsomedogs in hopes that your photo will be reblogged 🙂
This is Marley, a Shar-Pei/Boxer Mix
Another picture of Odie-Bones. Sleeping like usual. You would think a 10 month old lab/Aussie would be more active but not this guy.