Lori Weber | Pup & Pumpkin

Lori Weber | Pup & Pumpkin
Rainee Tubbs (Colacurcio)
Lauren Pretorius | Zebra Pug
biggiethedachshund: Happy Hallo-weenie 🙂
Happy Howl-o-weenie! My mom wore a species insensitive Halloween costume. Shame on her!
Scout & Chloe
Tifa is a Boxer and Pit Bull cross I rescued four years ago. I don’t know what I would do with out her some days.
Louie, 11 week old Pembroke Welsh Corgi, and full brother to @laceyth
Jasmin Leonard | Keys View, Joshua Tree
Marina Plevako | Flying Kir
zhao hui | 9 years old Rough Collie
Paul Van Welden | kacez wide () resize
dogsaremypatronus: I think most of you are familiar with Noodle, @huskyhuddle’s surprise addition to the family. For those of you who aren’t, Noodle was found by Stephanie, abandoned, and when the previous owners didn’t come forward, Stephanie adopted Noodle into…
Jasmin Leonard | Chillin’ in the garden
my Rottweiler Mandy loves Fall!
My babies, Luna and lily
Anesa Spahić | Sunset shine
Cecilia Zuccherato | Puppyness
Renáta Biri-Szabó | Blue fox ♥
Laura Rossi | Doberman
This is Prancer! She’s unfortunately nearing the end of her days 🙁 But lived a long happy life and continues to fight every day 🙂
This is my rescue pit, Whiskey! She’s an absolute angel 🙂
It’s not Tempurpedic Coco (left) “It wasn’t Tempurpedic. So I ate it.” Ryder (right) “I watched”. I left for a few hours and came home to a mess on the floor. Coco had pulled all of the foam out of…
Outdoor Seating Arrangements Unacceptable Pete the pug spent the afternoon destroying an outdoor patio pillow. Naughty pug!
Pasvik enjoying nature <3
I must have been boring him…
My pretty girl, Mitzy. (8 year old corgi/pomeranian mix)
Kurt Pas | afghan hound
Tom | Finnish Lapphund, forest sunset
Jill Schindel | Radar
Nicole Benfell | Zelda and Ultra
You’re such a tagalong My name is Ralph and I like Tagalong Girl Scout cookies. Mom is happy the box was empty. I was not. Thank goodness there were no cookies left and he didn’t get an upset stomach!
Psycho Pomeranian I want to murder every dog in my neighborhood… Even the ones bigger than my Daddy.
Horse Play My name is Millie and sometimes I get too friendly with not alive things. Like Mummy’s coat.
lazy day
Tuna the Shepkita
This is a dog from an absolutely amazing animal sanctuary that I just came back from. Every dogs kennel was decorated with furniture and paintings and the dogs stories were up outside of the kennels. The dogs come from all…
Lola, my miniature pinscher. 🙂
Tilly is mostly Border Collie with a dash of Kelpie somewhere in the mix. She is beautiful and I love her.
This is Luna! She’s my buddies dog & she’s a very handsome pup
Know Your Place Her ‘Maid’ has been working late a lot, so Heidi made her protest loud and clear.
Kenai, my seven month old Siberian husky
hi! this is my 7 weeks old border collie puppy Mavie!
Privacy Shmivacy That pesky privacy screen on the gate kept me from seeing my friends.
Lok’eeled over from the smell The tale on the sign is absolutely true. Loki likes to ride in the car, so I took him along on the trip to the pharmacy, figuring that we could go for a walk in…
Moka – 3 year old Chocolate lab Follow him on instagram @Mokabear_
My beautiful 2 year old Springer Spaniel/Husky cross Bruce
Raw Nerve | Dart
fawningoverfawn: Fawn went to the beach for the first time today!
Robin Leblanc | Happy
Rasmus Damgaard Nielsen | Stakstons Lola Montez
Bridget Davey | Blake | Dog Photography Bedfordshire
Emmanuel Cabau | Dog on the terrace
The one-dog clean-up crew This is Azim. Azim likes to eat cat poop. Azim likes to eat cat poop in the yard.
You can’t handle chair I chewed the handle on dad’s chair…said I was sorry, but I’m not. For some reason Gibson thought that the new chair handle was his own personal chew toy.
Alissiya Lis | Autumn dog
Sell my soul for a treat Chica is a sweet dog and when it comes to treats, she can lay down, roll over, jump, cry, even talk lol
Ľubka Stanovčáková | Sushi
Manfred Karisch | blaze of colour
Sabrina | hidden
Charlie Zinn | Bruno
Viktor Andreev | dog
Giuseppe ComixArt | The straight line
Sergey Filonenko | Portrait of Siberian Husky. Closeup.
Helping Mom Study This is Cheyanne helping mom study. She came home and found that I had destroyed her brand new drug book and study guide. I later pooped out different medication names.
Marta May | I and Molly
IbI Photo | Tosio
I cry like a baby I cry like a baby … after I push my ball under the cabinet
Who Needs Legs Anyways? George, my almost 9 year old Chihuahua, took a special liking to this new frog toy. He liked it so much that he tore two legs off the toy, left a third hanging by a thread,…
“make sure you get my good side” #kobieandnala
My dapper young gent. He’s a pomeranian.
Banjo, a Shih-Tzu/Pomeranian mix, with his prized toy Lamby. He brings her out on walks.
Melanie Pista | Dog look
Ann Nikolaeva | Baltic Beauty Limelight of Success
Jose Cardona | dogs
Luis Valadares | New assistant
Thanks for the new family We rescued Daisy from our local humane society. She is a one year old German Shepherd Cross.
Wade Boggs “The Interrupter” During a very important meeting for the production of a popular television show, Wade Boggs (pictured) sauntered into the room, under the packed table, and laid one of the largest / most pungent gastrointestinal explosions to…
Romane CHARPENTIER | Event @Le Hall, Rouen
Stink mouth Every day I come home from work, Juno our 8 month old lab waits for me to take of my sock then she spends the next hour smelling, licking and chewing on my stinky socks. If she is…
Matias Lavarini | Xama
My sweet pibble Lucy
Oliver loves spending his mornings on our deck.
Michael Port | Leo
Veronika Kashuba | Винечка
Cecilia Zuccherato | Lovely Boston Terrier
Raul Biermann | Paying attention.
Ola Partyka | Dzina
his first time out of the house
Boogie Nights “not even the ‘cone of shame’ will stop me from getting into the trash” thinking the trash would be safe with boogie wearing the cone of shame was proven wrong. 🙁 she never ceases to amaze me.
This is my best friend Ollie. I adopted him from a rescue organization 5 years ago
Rin Tin Tin and I enjoying the cool Florida morning, despite becoming breakfast for some unwanted Mosquitos.
Wednesday in her Halloween costume 🙂
My puppy Dalmatian named Benji age: 8 months
This is Libby, she’s half golden lab and half golden retriever. She’s just over a year old!
Charlie, husky/herding breed mix 6woofs.tumblr.com
alexislanza: the most beautiful dog eyes I have ever seen by ANLanza
My yorkie-poo Avery cant wait for Halloween!