Ugly Christmas Sweater Miss Cleo has to wear outfits designed for guinea pigs.

Ugly Christmas Sweater Miss Cleo has to wear outfits designed for guinea pigs.
Jägermeister the 7 month old chocolate Labrador”l
She wouldn’t quit looking at me!!! We are now proud owners of the elf that fell off the shelf, thanks to 2 year old Vizsla, Josie.
Neville Leo the Pembroke Welsh Corgi out for a stroll in the park.
Busby aged 10 weeks old (this was 2 years ago and he’s an awful lot bigger now!)
Carter, he’s a hit with the ladies
She’s so majestic
His name is Maksym, he’s an Australian Shepherd/Golden Retriever mix
Chief, my shepherd mix pup when I first brought him home 9months ago.
Oh, Christmas Balls, Oh Christmas Balls…. I ate the ornaments off the Christmas tree.
Need some last minute gift ideas for your pet-loving friends or family? Or heck, just want a little…
Our bloodhound puppy, Raylan
Lucky the lab!
Wink, Wink, Nudge, Nudge “Mom and Dad think I’m not allowed on the bed. In reality, my human sister lets me up here all the time! bwahaha. love, Hershey” You try saying no to a face like that. Rules are…
Captain’s first time to the snow!
This is Abby! She is a 4 year old hound mix and she is my baby! She’s a smart cookie and she’s always by my side! I couldn’t ask for a better pup!!!
I volunteer at a local animal shelter and take pictures of the dogs I walk. Check out this handsome fella, James.
handsomedogs: The rules: -This is a holiday themed photography contest. All entries must be of dogs in festive attire/settings. -The photography must be yours! No submitting someone else’s image. -Put “Photography Contest” in the description. Otherwise it will just be…
This is Nollie, the craziest German Shepherd/Husky pup ever.
service dog fail My son’s service dog-in-training after making a very bad choice.
Sly as a Fox The evidence is written all over Tink’s face!
My rot pitt mix thinks he’s cute.
bbgrl Rip: 9 weeks
16 year old Peanut celebrating Halloween as a stylish banana.
mostlydogsmostly: (via polarize)
Maya the Supermodel. Sheltie/Cocker Spaniel, Southern Belle, Cheerleader.
Our handsome, 6 Month Old male Beagle, Copper 🙂
Shopkeep is in his rebellious phase “Ask me about the hour-long, solitary jaunt I took around the block while my mom frantically looked for me on foot, on bike, and in the car!”
This is Andy, he is a german shorthaired pointer mix. He found us 4 years ago, at half his healthy weight and with a ton of issues. He is a couch potato in need of a new couch.
Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, put it on dogshaming Every day after work I take Stella into the woods next to our apartment for her nightly exercise.
Let it Go, Can’t Hold it in Anymore I left for the grocery store…gone 30 minutes. Mr. Wagner decided to break out of his crate, tear up several rolls of toilet paper and make “snow” for me. In every room…
C,mon dad I’m ready to go!
Do you ever just look at your dog and feel your heart melt
My family’s first aussie pup! His name is Captain, and he loves playing with the leaves in the backyard!
Sleepy Benz
My schnoodle pebbles and my rescue mutt James! Both five years old 🙂
WHO BOUGHT ONE-PLY?!?!? My three month old puppy loves to get her teeth on that Charmin.
Bear the ~3 year old Basenji/Shar Pei mix! She just wants to play fetch and play dress up.
Our majestic German Shepard, Luna. Now, and back when we got her. She sure has brightened up our lives!❤️
Will. Not. Escape. My. Gaze. Whilst taking care of friend’s pooch, Esse, she’d NEVER stop staring at me. Yes, she was walked. Yes, I played with her. I guess she was dazzled by my beauty.
My cutie pie Valentine, back in September. She’s a tad bit bigger now. (:
My dog is ready for Christmas
Sadie, my little shih tzu. 5 years old.
heart-dogs: nerds November ‘15
The Ear Buds didn’t fit me, so I ate them. I noticed that Howie (half dachshund, half poodle) was oddly quiet – never a good sign – so I went to investigate and found him destroying my earphones.
I can do it by myself! Err….. We were actually using the kids pool for our turtle. When we came home from a brief errand, we found our Husky puppy all wet and the pool torn apart. Our turtle is…
Ripley: 2 months old
baby Jude isn’t so little anymore @mythicsiren
this is scully – a lab/unknown/unknown- who’s about to turn four months old and loves coming to work with me where he gets to run around with the other pups in training and play with some police dogs
This is Blossom the bulldog, an 8 year old rescue from London!
There’s a hole in my pocket, dear Vizsla Sydney loves her treats…. So much that she stole these shorts from the laundry, took them under the bed, and ate every last crumb and then whole pocket out of my moms…
You Scruffy Looking Nerfherder! Mr. Growley (aka Mr. G) loves to eat Nerf darts. I usually don’t know he found one until…
What a cool customer, Cody, Podenco Andaluz, 8. December and “Winter” in Germany with 14 degrees (57 fahrenheit)…
My other doggy lola 6 mounths old british bulldog
Tangerine Dream I thanked my mom for the $80 grooming and tangerine deep conditioning treatment by rolling in feces the minute I was let off leash. I am not sorry. -Abby
Pippin, our one year old cavalier
Her name is Lady, and shes the light of my life (shes an english retriever)
Rex’s first time in a dog park, you can tell he enjoyed it.
Fine Dinning I sneak into the litter box for a la carte poop snacks. I was caught purple pawed.
All You Can Eat Buffet Boston has a little separation anxiety and has torn stuff up before. Now he has learned being alone isn’t so bad when you learn to open the fridge. While we are gone he helps himself……
My name is Mac. I like to sleep under my owners desk while she works all day in her home office. I…
Willis and Kermit turned 1 today! And Molly, she just likes a good party.
Leo the lab/chow mix is ready for the holidays
My little baby mutt Stevie when she was 8 weeks old
This is Teddy, he’s all muddy from a fun day at the creek!
Chewbacca is a 6 year old rescue Chihuahua with 7 teeth. People seem to like his unique features and underbite (he’s handsome is his own way), so we thought we’d share with you. You can also follow him on Instagram…
Archie our new pup!
What? I’m not allowed on the bed? Who, me? Rip a gaping hole in the sheet in an attempt to bury my squeaky pig? Never.
Milo, was brought to me at two weeks old almost dead and I nursed him to health, now 8months later hes a Sweet, Happy, Playful Pup!
My beautiful babies, Fozee (the small guy) is 6 and Jessa Belle (the big baby in the back) is 15 c:
My little Service Dog In Training! Her name is Brigit and she is about 4 months old. She is a lab mix.
Diana, 1 year old cane corso
Cecelia Rose, oldie (10 yrs) but goodie ❤️
baby girl Ripley: 8 weeks old
Garbage Connoisseur Diego got into the trash and had himself his own Thanksgiving meal (a little early) and he’s in a little bit of a food coma….
My 3 month old best friend, Beatrice (Bea)! She’s a miniature schnoodle pup!
For The Birds “We ate the bread crumbs mom gave the starving birds” -30 below zero i felt sorry for the birds, while I checked the wood stove the dogs ate the crumbs. I didn’t say a word, I just…
Cubbie hates mini blinds I tore down the mini blinds…again.
Maverick from Italy, follow me @maverickilcorgi !
Weatherby enjoying his first snow!
My other baby girl Sol, she’s a year old and very photogenic
2 month old white boxer
Mario Dias | Curious Dog
1000 marathoners While mom was at work I took a brand new can of parmesan cheese off the counter and ate it on the couch. Mom said it smelled like 1000 marathon runners took their shoes off in our living…
Anna Levenkova
Mommy’s big strong protector I Cornered a Spider To Protect My Mommy… And Then I Tried to Eat It.
Filip Micovic | Eyes
Happy Birthday Dasha!! Today our little weenie turns 8! Dog Shaming wouldn’t be the same without you, little monkey!
Snap, mixed-breed (we think he has some schnauzer somewhere in there), almost 3 years old. Sometimes we call him Dr Snap because when you’re sick he will lie on top of you until you feel better! If you throw the…
Cédric Telliez | Ready for Christmas
Luiza M | Dog’s Family
Tor-Inge Wold | Pharaohs hound in a strange environment
Amit Naik | The lil Prince
White Dogs Can’t Jump “I ate 2 pieces of bread off the kitchen counter. Sorry, Daisy” Somehow, Daisy used her little legs to jump up high enough to get bread off the counter that was to be used for french…
The poop of shame I pooped in the house 5 minutes after Daddy brought me in from a 30-minute walk. I AM NOT WORTHY.
Evgenia Motovilova | Leopold