quiteoldpuppy: As part of a fundamental reform of myself I decided that I need to take way more pics with the good camera because of reasons. As a prelude, this is what a typical sunday looks like. Bonus: She’s baby.
herewitchywitchywitchy: Honey’s having the best day.
herewitchywitchywitchy: Honey’s having the best day.
theadventurek9:This weekend we got three Qs! Two for Rally Excellent and one for Obedience Open!For…
theadventurek9: This weekend we got three Qs! Two for Rally Excellent and one for Obedience Open! For all four classes I had a happy enthusiastic dog even though it was over 80* both days. So all of the classes were…
kahluapup:Puppy pictures to make your day better brought to you by Kahlua
kahluapup: Puppy pictures to make your day better brought to you by Kahlua
bibblecobblies:She looks like a kindergartener that just got a fresh bowl cut for the first day of…
bibblecobblies: She looks like a kindergartener that just got a fresh bowl cut for the first day of school
marloandmav-adventurers: He was built specifically to put his…
marloandmav-adventurers: He was built specifically to put his nose straight into the wind on early morning hikes
spicysnoot:spicy snoot at our favorite place
spicysnoot: spicy snoot at our favorite place
pinkmanthedog:I like my critters like I like my cell service: SPOTTY and UNRELIABLE
pinkmanthedog: I like my critters like I like my cell service: SPOTTY and UNRELIABLE
maxandmaeby: Looking at the weekend like where’d you go? Hey,…
maxandmaeby: Looking at the weekend like where’d you go? Hey, come back.https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bXyvGA_vG/?igshid=p41u8zab08te
photozoi: Seeing rainbows
photozoi: Seeing rainbows
tundratails: @kittyms167‘s Kiko!
tundratails: @kittyms167‘s Kiko!
samthesheltie: “top-top“ (she stands with her front paws on my…
samthesheltie: “top-top“ (she stands with her front paws on my shoes and walk with me), view from above 😀 photo: Irina Mazaeva
merkillisenpilkullista: Nyt tätä lunta on jo tämän verran! Ei…
merkillisenpilkullista: Nyt tätä lunta on jo tämän verran! Ei pienen tätitukevan maavara ihan riitä.
malinwoman:We accept the toys we think we deserve malinwoman:The noble Malinois
malinwoman: We accept the toys we think we deserve malinwoman: The noble Malinois
Gretzky, 3 yo intact female American StaghoundGryffindor, 4ish yo neutered male Portuguese…
Gretzky, 3 yo intact female American Staghound Gryffindor, 4ish yo neutered male Portuguese Podengo Bauer, 6 yo neutered Shar Pei mix
ollietherottweiler: I adore him
ollietherottweiler: I adore him
arlo-venn:I always wrap Mav up in his blanket before I leave him to go back home
arlo-venn: I always wrap Mav up in his blanket before I leave him to go back home
nevalnyn:Thank you for love on Macy’s photoset! Here’s another puppy photo for your feed ❤️
nevalnyn: Thank you for love on Macy’s photoset! Here’s another puppy photo for your feed ❤️
mindthedogs:Carbon, 11 months
mindthedogs: Carbon, 11 months
achoirofcritters: Bully smile! Happy girl on a hike.
achoirofcritters: Bully smile! Happy girl on a hike.
foretellersvulpinesunshine:messed around editing an older photo. I think she could be on one of…
foretellersvulpinesunshine: messed around editing an older photo. I think she could be on one of those “all natural” dog food bags…
spectralelf:Spooky time
spectralelf: Spooky time
mulderandgaea: It’s hard to not constantly have a camera in her…
mulderandgaea: It’s hard to not constantly have a camera in her face bc she’s just so pretty
campfirecanines: this is in fact ALL that matters, at all,…
campfirecanines: this is in fact ALL that matters, at all, whatsoever
westie-impostor: Leaf hat!
westie-impostor: Leaf hat!
unterwasserfisch:My dog Pablo wearing the latest fall fashion.
unterwasserfisch: My dog Pablo wearing the latest fall fashion.
nomad-and-king: a trail boy with a comically huge head
nomad-and-king: a trail boy with a comically huge head
satellitedebris:Lexi loved her costumes, I promise
satellitedebris: Lexi loved her costumes, I promise
hanatheakita:t h i g h s Hanas thigh workout includes multiple “take a bow” and “paws up” with a…
hanatheakita: t h i g h s Hanas thigh workout includes multiple “take a bow” and “paws up” with a long hold
blinded-by-wanderlust: Lake District .2
blinded-by-wanderlust: Lake District .2
aquestionablemutt:First of all I’d like to thank myself for capturing this shot, second of all, I’d…
aquestionablemutt: First of all I’d like to thank myself for capturing this shot, second of all, I’d like to thank Roma for having a leaf shaped head.
marloandmav-adventurers: He is so devastatingly handsome.
marloandmav-adventurers: He is so devastatingly handsome.
riley-coyotl:During our Halloween photoshoot with the puppy she…
riley-coyotl: During our Halloween photoshoot with the puppy she kept offering a meerkat pose for the picture, so I decided we needed one of those too.
westie-impostor: Sasha is looking great in her new sweater from…
westie-impostor: Sasha is looking great in her new sweater from Adventure Beans! @pawsitivevibe
finahundar: Nenets laika
finahundar: Nenets laika

lambdalupi: plenty of new changes and feelings this fall, but…
lambdalupi: plenty of new changes and feelings this fall, but the enthusiasm of this little guy for forest walks never wavers.
wannabewerewolf:Happy Halloween!!
wannabewerewolf: Happy Halloween!!
photozoi: “I am the BEST punkin! Well worth the $$$ a pound!”…
photozoi: “I am the BEST punkin! Well worth the $$$ a pound!” Hawk ensuring his trip home from the Pumpkin Patch.
Handsome dogs make handsome jack-o-lanterns!
Handsome dogs make handsome jack-o-lanterns!
little-hawk-silken:No…no…NO! I don’t want to wear it!“But Shoku, you look…
little-hawk-silken: No…no…NO! I don’t want to wear it!“ But Shoku, you look handsome in it. "Well…maybe I can get used to it. As long as there are treats involved.”
newblogforjackson:When you’re thinking about all the candy you don’t need for Halloween because you…
newblogforjackson: When you’re thinking about all the candy you don’t need for Halloween because you are already such a snack.
twobigears:Snow on her chin, but no grey hairs yet, thank goodness!
twobigears: Snow on her chin, but no grey hairs yet, thank goodness!
maxandmaeby:Happy First Day of Autumn! I picked the loudest, largest pumpkin in the patch.
maxandmaeby: Happy First Day of Autumn! I picked the loudest, largest pumpkin in the patch.

medusagirlfriend:what’s her secret
medusagirlfriend: what’s her secret
huskyhuddle: A naughty puppy, but he turns into a pumpkin at…
huskyhuddle: A naughty puppy, but he turns into a pumpkin at 8pm.
yellowdogadventures:Contemplating and sleepy
yellowdogadventures: Contemplating and sleepy
streetdogmillionaires: The most rugged of heartthrobs.
streetdogmillionaires: The most rugged of heartthrobs.
silver-sivien:i love this dog ❤️
silver-sivien: i love this dog ❤️
maxandmaeby:Fall in my yard!
maxandmaeby: Fall in my yard!
thefoolishfewterer:I love her too much for words
thefoolishfewterer: I love her too much for words
Astronaut (PolishAstronaut on Instagram)
Astronaut (PolishAstronaut on Instagram)
huskyhuddle: Garden Guide
huskyhuddle: Garden Guide
northernvikinggirl: Our babies Alva & Erke.
northernvikinggirl: Our babies Alva & Erke.
octoberanytime: @Kaydenroo
octoberanytime: @Kaydenroo
malinwoman:The noble Malinois
malinwoman: The noble Malinois
lokis-hexe:It’s autumn! (Again)
lokis-hexe: It’s autumn! (Again)
paws-and-wander:Roscoe Spam Living the Hound Life
paws-and-wander: Roscoe Spam Living the Hound Life
twogriffons:its real goblin hours out here
twogriffons: its real goblin hours out here
nefja: Autumn walks with this pretty girl are a blessing
nefja: Autumn walks with this pretty girl are a blessing

My Tuile. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge two months ago at the ripe old age of 17 ½….
My Tuile. He crossed the Rainbow Bridge two months ago at the ripe old age of 17 ½. Chihuahua/JRT mix. Best dog ever. I miss him so much.
mulderandgaea:Fall model
mulderandgaea: Fall model
My pretty girl luna. Does anyone have a idea of what breeds she may be besides Australia cattle dog
My pretty girl luna. Does anyone have a idea of what breeds she may be besides Australia cattle dog
his bone says cool because thats what he is
his bone says cool because thats what he is
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish:Finding old crappy cell phone photos of Tuna is one of my favourite…
fishsticksfromthenorth-ish: Finding old crappy cell phone photos of Tuna is one of my favourite hobbies
darkwood-sleddog:Winter? Soon!A real sled bag instead of a backpack? Even sooner.
darkwood-sleddog: Winter? Soon! A real sled bag instead of a backpack? Even sooner.
ollietherottweiler: His neck ruffles are ridiculous
ollietherottweiler: His neck ruffles are ridiculous
restinthewest: Golden boy
restinthewest: Golden boy
maxandmaeby: Maeby is usually a good witch but sometimes her…
maxandmaeby: Maeby is usually a good witch but sometimes her desire for @platopettreats turkey with pumpkin overcomes her. #theplatopackhttps://www.instagram.com/p/B3svw28AtIL/?igshid=1lg2nzlfisqzi
Sleep time is the best time for my fur ball Cutie – Petique
Sleep time is the best time for my fur ball Cutie – Petique
little-fox-adventures: Remembering the puppy days
little-fox-adventures: Remembering the puppy days
lainphotography: Mia and Percy
lainphotography: Mia and Percy
abarkinthepark: Our friend Sadie and her wonderful ears
abarkinthepark: Our friend Sadie and her wonderful ears
abarkinthepark: Ivy aglow
abarkinthepark: Ivy aglow
thespringertails:Hello this is my dog, she’s very beautiful but she’s very bad at looking in my…
thespringertails: Hello this is my dog, she’s very beautiful but she’s very bad at looking in my direction but luckily she has very big curly ears to distract you from that
riley-coyotl:She wants the leaf
riley-coyotl: She wants the leaf
thedutchsighthound: Some weeks ago I was a model at a dog…
thedutchsighthound: Some weeks ago I was a model at a dog photography workshop… Those are some really talented photographers and we got some lovely photos in return of the work! Human is very proud of me…!
washingtonhound:Oooooooh man
washingtonhound: Oooooooh man
pupcontent: Mr Leeeeegs
pupcontent: Mr Leeeeegs
bo0fs:Sad dirty dogs
bo0fs: Sad dirty dogs
darkwood-sleddog:The best girl
darkwood-sleddog: The best girl
travel-buddy:He’s so gorgeous, and I’m so in love!
travel-buddy: He’s so gorgeous, and I’m so in love!
southerntchiorny:Spooky dinosaur Boi with his new bandanna
southerntchiorny: Spooky dinosaur Boi with his new bandanna
pawsitivevibe:Hey guys! I thought I’d do a little promo here since I haven’t in a while….
pawsitivevibe: Hey guys! I thought I’d do a little promo here since I haven’t in a while. I make custom fleece dog pajamas and sweaters. They are super cute and super cozy. I can make them for any size, shape,…

lifewithduma: Duma 10 weeks January 2015Sadie 10 weeks October…
lifewithduma: Duma 10 weeks January 2015 Sadie 10 weeks October 2019
sadilga:forgot to post these
sadilga: forgot to post these
fenjas:Scruffy pup
fenjas: Scruffy pup
hadissima:Doing his best!!!
hadissima: Doing his best!!!
shadowbehr:A majestic tail moment.
shadowbehr: A majestic tail moment.
sammythesheltie:Sometimes I just want to gently squish his fluffy face and kiss cute nose ❤.
sammythesheltie: Sometimes I just want to gently squish his fluffy face and kiss cute nose ❤.
novathesheltie:she slowly grew, she stayed a tiny pup until one day i realized she had doubled in…
novathesheltie: she slowly grew, she stayed a tiny pup until one day i realized she had doubled in size. However, she still had a very pathetic coat, and her ears weren’t sure what to do.
lickiselki: Blep!
lickiselki: Blep!
abarkinthepark: Our friend Atticus
abarkinthepark: Our friend Atticus
daily-beagle:Me Flash is so serious
daily-beagle: Me Flash is so serious
maexchen-therescuemutt: 12.10.19
ilfaitdusoleil:Look at my girl ready for game day!!
ilfaitdusoleil: Look at my girl ready for game day!!