Guess the Breed(s)
(rules)Scout is 8 years old. He weighs 55lbs and is 21″ at the shoulder. He is very energetic and runs extremely fast. He loves hunting for mice and toads in the yard (and not just to play with.) He has a fabulous nose – in fact, he’s a Search and Rescue dog. He is extremely loving to me, but is definitely a one-person dog. He’s very suspicious of strangers and will nip the ankles/legs of people who come in the yard without my permission. His ‘alert’ bark is a couple sharp barks followed by a short howl.
Scout is mixed with a few unknown breeds, but the 2 that are known are kinda easy to see!
You’re all right!!
Scout is a Labrador retriever/Beagle mix! The unknown mixes are herding breeds, so bonus to those who though so!